Let Us Help You Take The Worry Out Of Creating The Perfect Tour For Your Students

Why Choose Us?

This is a great question and, as parents and former teachers, we at eduSTAR would ask the very same. The bottom line is “WE KNOW!”

  • WE KNOW about educational student tours, camp tours and group tours.
  • WE KNOW how to provide quality programs that are educational and complement the classroom curriculum.
  • WE KNOW that we provide reasonable priced tour packages with no hidden costs.
  • WE KNOW that even if your group tour is 1 day to 14 days we focus on your group’s tour 365 days a year.
  • WE KNOW how to help schools, administrators, boards of education.
  • WE KNOW how to manage transportation, hotels, meals, tour guides and safety precautions which require detailed planning.
  • WE KNOW that over the 30 years we have been in the student tour business we have created numerous partnerships with suppliers and vendors.
  • WE KNOW your safety and enjoyment are important to you and are our main concerns.
  • WE KNOW how to solve problems whether it is delayed flights, weather issues, illness, etc.
  • WE KNOW how to have tour groups return year after year and recommend other schools to work with eduSTAR.


Send Us A Message

Fill out the form below & one of our student tour coordinators will be in touch.


Call One of Our Student Tour Coordinators Today!
1 (800) 426-0157

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