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Broadway Shows

So, you’re coming with eduSTAR to your drama tour or any other tour of NYC and now you need to pick one or more Broadway shows or Off-Broadway Shows. Listed below are links to student friendly Broadway Shows. However, as we have learned over the years, what is “appropriate” for some may not be for others. Take a look and email eduSTAR with your top 3 choices. Certain shows are very “hot” so the sooner the better.

Broadway Shows

Off-Broadway Shows

This is not a complete list. If you are a drama group, member of the Educational Theater Association and adult oriented themes are accepted by school administrators and parents, check out www.broadway.com. If you are a drama group and want to add a drama workshop to your package, eduSTAR has plenty of workshops. Click Drama Workshops.

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1 (800) 426-0157

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